PackAttack Refill is a circular system that uses sustainable or recyclable materials where possible, and removes single use plastic bottles/containers to avoid landfill. The primary tool in our system, PackAttack Personal, is made of 100% recyclable plastic. It can be used again and again and, in theory, should never need to be disposed of. If it becomes damaged in some way it can be disposed of in the recycling system.
PackAttack Personal dispenses a fine mist without the use of gas propellants, it has near total full reservoir evacuation (98%) to minimise waste and, offers an absolute lack of volatile chemicals. Further, as the container is under no pressure, no special precautions need to be taken with regard to transport/storage and, refilling is done without specialist dispensing equipment.
Bottles can be topped up from any of our larger refill bottles, or from our refill stations where our 20litre drum refill system is the mainstay of our refill approach.
Contact one of the PackAttack team if you have any specific questions at